Code (6200) - Hardly a medically useful plant has experienced in recent years, such a rising demand, such as Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa). Root and bark of the liana were always as important medicinal plants of the natives of the rainforest used. The information contained in the liana drugs contribute directly to strengthening the immune system and help build new, healthy cells. Cat's Claw is taken as a preventive agent against allergies, asthma, cancer, stomach ulcers and disorders of the digestive tract. In the U.S., Cat's Claw in natural medicine is now a very high priority and is here to stay. Scientific studies in the U.S. confirm that Cat's Claw has anti-viral, anti-leukemic, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, anticancer and antioxidant effects.
(Source: Keplinger, UM "Influence of claw extract on Retroviral Infections, " AIDS Zurich - Zurich Congress 1992, another source of proof on request)